about me

I’m Kim, an avid reader, watcher, and listener of all things murderful. And I come by it honestly. I come from a long line of lawyers, so my interest in crime and criminal psychology came early in life. It was a long-standing tradition at Christmas that my dad would add a book or three to my ever-growing collection of books on serial killers, crime, and more. When he passed, my husband took up the mantle for him.

Despite my husband’s support, he doesn’t get my fascination with the topic. Which is sad for him because his lack of interest doesn’t stop me from talking about it! My children don’t get it either, one of my sons renaming me “Reaper Creeper!” But I’m just fascinated with the pathways that lead killers to do what they do, the criminal psychology behind their thinking.

So join me as I explore the dark and sinister and try to understand the whys!